In November 2022 our partner Posifon AB announced that they had signed the tender for alarm handling for Nacka Municipality outside of Stockholm, Sweden. The tender included that Posifon will be the chosen supplier of mobile safety alarms and alarm reception for the coming six years for the municipality.
“This is an important contract both for the municipality, which can now develop its support for the citizens long term, and for us at Posifon, which shows our strength”, says Posifon CEO Henrik Essunger.
Skyresponse is a part of Posifon’s offering to Nacka Municipality, being the flexible platform in the center of the solution. With the flexibility and interoperability of the Skyresponse platform makes it possible for Posifon to enlarge their offer with a response center solution based on Skyresponse solutions. It also gives them the opportunity to benefit from the integrations and partner network that Skyresponse has to offer.
“We at Posifon are specialized and have a broad spectrum of units to offer in our niches. We can easily strengthen our offer to our customers with Skyresponse and we also have the opportunity to get international business through them”, says Henrik.
Posifon has been a Skyresponse ecosystem partner for several years and is Skyresponse preferred partner when it comes to GPS-based mobile safety alarms. Posifon AB is the Swedish market leader within GPS-based mobile safety alarms and medical robots.
The GPS alarm is worn by a person who needs to be able to raise an alarm or be reached, meaning that the person can easily alert and be located. With the Skyresponse platform and alarm routing possibility, Nacka Municipality can decide where the alarm should be routed: relatives, the caregiver, or an alarm response center can easily contact the person, see where they are, and send the right support to the person, depending on the needs.
The advantage of using mobile safety alarms, instead of the traditional safety alarms, which only work in the home and a few meters outside, is that they support an active lifestyle and increase security and safety both inside the home and out in the community. The users, active seniors, elderly or people with some form of functional variation, can go from using fixed alarms to benefit from all the advantages of mobile phones.
With the relationship that has developed with Skyresponse over the years, Posifon will be able to increase their offering towards their customers in the future. With the new solution Posifon and Nacka will be able to add even more valuable services going forward that will increase quality for both their caretakers and staff.
“This really shows the potential of having an extensive ecosystem of partners that can use a modern vendor-independent cloud platform for their specific solutions and offering”, says Mats Berthem, CEO of Skyresponse.
About Posifon
Posifon AB is an IT/telecom company that, based on app- and mobile technology, develops new services for increased welfare. We are an innovative company that works in a close connection to our customers. Our vision is that everyone, regardless of age, family situation, living situation and ability should be able to feel safe, independent, and part of a community. Safety and independence mean a higher quality of life.
If you are interested to learn more about our solutions and how we can add value to your business? Just contact us!