Great Security

Great Security is one of Sweden's leading security companies that offers smart security solutions at the technological forefront. Our committed and knowledgeable staff always puts the customer in focus, to fulfill both large and small security needs.


Great Security is one of Sweden's leading security companies that offers smart security solutions at the technological forefront. Our committed and knowledgeable staff always puts the customer in focus, to fulfill both large and small security needs.

With an aging population, more people than ever before are in need of care and supervision in the the home. Great Security's solution, Trygg hemma, enables event-driven digital surveillance for ordinary residences. Sensors register deviant behavior and risky behavior that is sent to the care giver, who with a security camera and emergency phone can carry out supervision digitally from a distance. It creates an efficient distribution of resources and enables a good night's sleep at home without interruption for the care recipient. 

Great Security offers a comprehensive security solution in the form of the security system of the future – security alarms with hardware and software and all infrastructure to facilitate the work of the care staff. The system is adaptable and can generate proactive warnings in case of risky behavior by care recipients, act as contactless lock opening for staff and provide real-time positioning of care recipients who call for help. It creates the conditions for proactive and effective care in a safe and stress-free environment

Benefits of using Great Security: 

Safe at home is adapted based on the care recipient's needs to, for example, generate warnings to the supervision team if the care recipient's behavior deviates from normal. The supervision team can then easily and quickly carry out supervision digitally to check the care recipient's state of health. This allows caregivers to be where they are needed, when they are needed and reduces the need for unnecessary night visits that disturb the care recipient's sleep.

With discreet and affordable technology, the design of Trygg hemma is adapted for each customer and care recipient - in a room or the entire home. Security cameras are placed at surveillance locations such as the bed and are supplemented with multi-sensors that generate functions such as fall detection, bed alarms and presence detection. Communication is managed by a base unit with automatic connection and encrypted communication.

Security alarm is a proven solution in healthcare, the care recipient can call the staff's attention with a simple push of a button. But a security system from Great Security can do so much more. We shift the focus from reactive to proactive care, where the staff can act before an accident occurs, make better decisions and more effectively control the allocation of resources.

The solution is designed based on the care recipient's situation and needs, preferably with smart sensors that automatically alert staff if the care recipient's movement pattern deviates from normal. The staff can receive warnings if a care recipient with a high risk of falling is getting out of bed or if the care recipient is in the bathroom for an abnormally long time.

With Great Security's security solution, the number of falls and injuries is reduced. Real-time observation using smart sensors and AI helps the care staff to make better decisions and implement the right measures faster. It also reduces the time required for physical supervision and thus frees up more time for relevant efforts.

 Learn more about Care 


Great Security
