
Aim higher when upgrading – Prepare for the Digital Switchover

Written by Anna Lundvall | May 22, 2024 11:37:05 AM

The Digital Switchover marks a shift from analogue to digital systems across industries, revolutionising business operations. However, this transition brings challenges like data security and system upgrades, making preparedness crucial for success. Some may find this transition overwhelming, and it might be tempting to opt for simple solutions and merely focus on completing the switch. However, in the long term, it is more beneficial to aim higher and fully harness the potential of digitalisation.


But first and foremost, in order to prepare for the switch and provide solutions that will meet the new needs of your customers, here are some key aspects you must consider as a solution provider for alarm and event handling.


1. Understand your customers

All your customers are going to have different needs and capabilities when it comes to upgrading their alarm system to fit the new network. Some are willing to upgrade their entire system, but some might not have the possibility of making extensive changes just yet.


Identify the diverse needs within your customer base, including those looking for comprehensive digital transformation and others seeking emergency solutions to navigate the switchover. For example, if you have customers that don’t have the possibility of upgrading their entire system of both hardware and software, such as housings with Warden Call Systems, you need to offer them gateway solutions to help them still keep their operation running. These gateway solutions allow them to still keep their existing infrastructure but with added conversion points that make communication between signals possible.


2. Offer flexible solutions

As per the previous paragraph, the needs of your customers will vary. Hence, you need to offer flexible solutions that will suit the variation of needs. 


Focus on providing solutions that support a seamless transition from analogue to digital systems. For example, offer solutions that enable clients to digitise their infrastructure while retaining the flexibility to upgrade and scale as needed. This could include cloud-based platforms that allow for easy integration of new digital technologies and services.


It’s important to tailor solutions to individual customer needs, recognising variations in desired upgrades and investments. Not all clients may be ready or able to invest in full-scale upgrades immediately. However, you can offer modular solutions that allow for phased implementations. This will give your customers an intuitive and easy-accessible way to scale up gradually.


3. Select the right Partner

As a solution provider, it’s essential for you to work with partners that allow you to meet the needs of your customers and offer them scalable solutions both today and in the future. First of all, you need to prioritise IT-security to safeguard your organisation's sensitive data and assets when selecting a partner. If you were to opt for a partner with a cloud-based solution, you can offer added security benefits, such as regular updates and data encryption. This would mitigate the risk of server downtime and enhance the overall reliability of your systems. A cloud-based solution offers the necessary scalability that an on-prem solution perhaps will not be able to.


If you choose a provider with an on-prem solution, you need to ensure that your provider adheres to industry-standard security protocols and practices. It’s also good to know what security measures they have in place if the servers would go down. 


Again, you will want to look for providers that offer flexible and open systems that can adapt to your organisation's evolving needs. This includes solutions that support interoperability and integration with third-party hardware and software. This will streamline the implementation process and minimize downtime, allowing your customers to take on the digital transformation more efficiently. This also enables greater flexibility and customisation, allowing you to tailor the system to your specific needs. By opting for open architectures, you can avoid vendor lock-in and take advantage of a diverse ecosystem of hardware providers. This ensures that your solution remains adaptable and future-proof, capable of evolving with your organisation's changing requirements.


Read more: 2025 is Coming Up – What the Analogue to Digital Switch Means for You


The key is scalable solutions 

By addressing these 3 key aspects, with the key element being scalable and flexible solutions, solution providers can better prepare themselves and their clients for the Digital Switchover, ensuring a smoother transition and future-proofing their systems beyond immediate requirements. 


Even though the Switchover causes stress amongst providers that are highly affected, the Switchover also presents major opportunities. Our main recommendation is to look beyond simply making the systems work right now, and explore the newer, more scalable solutions that are currently available. For instance, looking into wireless solutions instead of locally installed solutions might be an investment today but it’s something that will pay off in the long run. Don’t just focus on going digital, focus on going all the way into the future.


Do you want to know more about how to navigate the Digital Switchover? Read our interview with Steve Smith, Executive Director and Founder of Tecs Advisory. 

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